Funky fridge magnet is not a thing from which you need to shy away as you are now an adult. It is a very useful thing that can add beauty to your fridge with the help of bright colors. You can stick your groceries list to fridge with the help of these beautiful DIY refrigerator magnets. You can easily purchase fridge magnet from shop but you will also make these at your home. Making these will always be a fun activity that is enjoyed equally children and adults. Following are some ideas that can help you in making beautiful refrigerator magnets.
Wooden polka dot magnets
Just take a thick stick from your local hardware store and make round circles in it with the help of drill or saw, or for keeping it simple you can purchase a wooden circle precut stick from craft store. You can paint the middle of stick with different colors and then just attach a magnetic strip with glue at the back of that stick and stick it to the fridge.
Pom pom magnets
If you are looking for some cute DIY refrigerator Magnet ideas then you can go for some bright colors pom pom. You can attach magnetic strip to these pom pom with the help of glue and you are done with pom pom magnet.
Branch hook Magnet
If you are looking for a simple classy idea then you this one is for you. You just need to take a branch that has some extended branch attached to it which can serve as hook. The only thing that is required on your part is to cut the main branch in such a way that it’s back become flat and it can be attached to fridge. You can attach magnetic strip to its back, and then attach the same to fridge to make a DIY refrigerator magnet.